{prefix}Shows the bot’s command prefix (e.g., ’!’, ’?’).
Guild (Server) SpecificDescription
{server}, {guild}The name of the Discord server.
{}, {}The name of the Discord server.
{}, {}The ID of the Discord server.
{server.owner}, {guild.owner}The name/nickname of the Discord server’s owner.
{}, {}The ID of the Discord server’s owner.
{server.owner.mention}, {guild.owner.mention}mentions the Discord server’s owner.
{server.owner.avatar}, {guild.owner.avatar}displays to the avatar of the server owner.
{server.icon}, {guild.icon}displays to the Discord server’s icon image.
{server.icon.url}, {guild.icon.url}displays the Discord server’s icon image.
{server.banner}, {guild.banner}displays the Discord server’s banner image (if any).
{server.member_count}, {guild.member_count}The total member count of the Discord server.
{server.member_count.formatted}, {guild.member_count.formatted}Formatted total member count of the server.
{server.boost_count}, {guild.boost_count}The number of boosts the Discord server has.
{server.boost_tier}, {guild.boost_tier}The boost tier of the Discord server.
{server.created_at}, {guild.created_at}The creation date of the Discord server, formatted.
{server.vanity}, {guild.vanity}The vanity of the Discord server (or “none” if not set).
User (Command) SpecificDescription
{user}A mention for the user.
{user.mention}A mention tag for the user.
{}The username of the user.
{}The ID of the user.
{user.avatar}URL link to the user’s avatar image.
{user.joined_at}The date and time the user joined the server, formatted.

Embed Maker Variables

Title: {title: Embed Test}Specifies the title of the embed.
Description: {description: Embed Test}Specifies the description of the embed.
Color (Optional): {color: [Hex Color Code]}Sets the color of the embed using a hexadecimal color code.
Author (Optional): {author: Embed Test && && [Author Image URL]}Sets the author field of the embed, including name and optional image URL.
Footer (Optional): {footer: Embed Test && [Footer Image URL]}Sets the footer text and optional footer image URL of the embed.
Image (Optional): {image: [Image URL]}Sets the main image URL of the embed.
Thumbnail (Optional): {thumbnail: [Thumbnail Image URL]}Sets the thumbnail image URL of the embed.
Fields: {field: [Name] && [Value] && [Inline (if true)]}Adds a field to the embed with specified name, value, and inline status.